About Us
Children Flourish In a Place They Feel Comfortable.

Crestwood is a Christian community which respects and values the cultural and economic diversity of children and their families. We recognize children as individuals with dignity, worth and uniqueness, who will develop socially, cognitively, physically and emotionally through the guidance of a caring and loving group of staff and teachers in a healthy, safe environment.
We believe the parent is the child’s first teacher and is worthy of respect and inclusion. We recognize that children are self-motivated learners and that play, both inside and outside, is an important vehicle for their development.
​Crestwood Childcare Center is a non-profit center organized by the church in 1985 as a service project to meet the needs of early childhood education in our community.
Health & Safety
*We are a nut free facility*
We provide all children with breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack. Children should not bring food from home unless it is a special treat to share with entire class and previous arrangements have been made with the teacher.
The Director, Assistant Director and all of our teachers are CPR and First Aid certified. All teachers have ongoing training throughout the year.
Every day you can feel confident that your child is in the very best hands.
The children’s health is of major importance to us. A child who is ill is not functioning at his/her optimum level and requires the constant attention of one adult. We cannot allow any sick children to stay at school, including those children who have had a fever or vomiting just prior to coming to school.